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The Lightbulb Conspiracy

Google it.

Good overview of how natural capitalism – I.e. Full resource lifecycle accounting – will save the world.

Artificial intelligence meets the C-suite

Artificial intelligence meets the C-suite

Of course AI / big data will hit the C suite. In fact it might replace some executive roles – or at least force them to change.

A large part of [poor] executive management is asking the organisation to simplify and structure everything in order to ease executive decision-making.

How often do you have to simplify something for an executive audience? How often are you communicating excessively to achieve what you think is a simple decision?

I’m not saying good quality executives aren’t required. I’m just saying that executive management is as obsolete as big data is hard. Currently big data is pretty hard – but that’s changing.

Why We Need to Outsmart Our Smart Devices

Why We Need to Outsmart Our Smart Devices

A valid point that needs addressing.

Beyond the Brainstorm

Beyond the Brainstorm

I’ve never trusted brainstorming to come up with ideas. This is a good list of alternative activities.

The Integration of Digital

Congratulations to Jason Davey and the folks at Bullseye on the their recent acquisition by Ogilvy.  From the press release:

“In addition, we’re now operating in a fast-paced post-digital era where having a separate digital team no longer makes sense.  We need to ensure digital is integrated into everything we do and not treated as a different channel. 
 Fox said Bullseye’s Managing Director Jason Davey would move into a senior management role to oversee all digital output and ensure true integration.
Davey said of the move to become part of Ogilvy: “Specialist digital agencies are the dinosaurs of the future – it’s a natural evolution for a digital agency to broaden into a truly integrated offering. After 14 years growing our core digital capability, it’s exciting to be joining a world-class business such as Ogilvy to offer truly integrated customer experiences across all consumer touch points.”
My emphasis added.  

Market Stereotypes

Once you start looking for market stereotypes you can see them everywhere:
Market Stereotype Description  Examples
Competitive game Gaming performance where team’s are made of individuals with similar goals Sales team leaderboards 
Cooperative game Gaming performance where only team performance matters but individual team members contribute in different ways  Collaborative
Discovery & scoring Add discovery of information by scoring of information and collective curation elancer 
Redundant production Make more than you need to find quality RFIs, competitive development
Unwanted feedback Ensuring feedback isn’t filtered Business Intelligence 
Interface versus interpretability Designing for unintended uses Open data
App store analogy
Using the model of an “app store” in a different context 
Defence app store initiative
Separate management from measurement Separate the management process from the measurement process Business intelligence + separate performance management function
KPI exchange Making a high-level metric tradable rather than using derived metrics Allowing employees to trade their “utilisation” performance metric
Lean business case  Making a market for project portfolio ideas; ensuring ideas are tested quickly while capturing intelligence  Idea factories
Agile development Dealing with uncertainty through iteration, continuous feedback, and no-fixed-plan Everywhere in IT

The Post-Productive Economy

The Post-Productive Economy

Choosing the Internet over running water when resourses are constrained.

We’ve been Weird Al’ed

Telstra Whitepaper: Analyse This, Predict That

‘Analyse This, Predict That’ – report on the major competitive forces facing financial institutions, focusing on data analytics and the way it is re-shaping the industry’s competitive environment.

Susan Sly gives up on the CIO game

Susan Sly gives up on the CIO game

Who do the other execs blame for IT failure now?

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