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Wastes of intellectual energy and / or time #23345

  • trying to come up with “business justification” for technology decisions
  • arguing about whether something is a “real data warehouse”
  • discussing the difference between an “issue” and a “risk” rather than working through the issue and risk register
  • saying “I’m not a technical person” when you really want to say “I’m too important for this discussion”
  • saying “you’re not seeing the big picture” when there clearly isn’t one




Governance is politics in the same room

Sometimes it’s not really much more complicated than this:

Governance is politics in the same room

If you find yourself whispering in the corner “it’s so political around here” you should all get in the same room.


The customer isn’t at the centre of everything you do!

Just clearing out some old presentations:


Update: moved from iWork link to Slideshare (because iWork is being turned off for some reason)




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Customer centre


Nice graphic, and sentiment

What a difference a decade makes

Vision, original or second hand, is obvious in retrospect…

Happy birthday iPod.

What a difference a decade makes:

”It’s a nice feature for Macintosh users,” said P. J. McNealy, a senior analyst for Gartner G2, an e-commerce research group. ”But to the rest of the Windows world, it doesn’t make any difference.”

Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, disputed the concern that the market was limited, and said the company might have trouble meeting holiday demand. He predicted that the improvement in technology he said the iPod represented would inspire consumers to buy Macintosh computers so they could use an iPod.


(Via Mises Economics Blog)

Interesting approach to security

This is probably a sound assessment of risk and is refreshingly aware of transparency requirements:

“We are only one FOI [Freedom of Information] request away from having to hand it over anyway,” he said. “So it’s not something we have been focusing on.”,wa-parliament-ipad-trial-exposes-it-headaches.aspx

Poor IT and the boss that hates them

After years and years of moving responsibilities for IT budgets to “the business” new is it really a surprise that CIOs now start reporting to CFOs? And isn’t it a conflict of interest for the CFO to claim budget from another group?

McKinsey notices that management models can be impacted by technology!

McKinsey, ten years after I started saying that we should be focusing on using technology to change how we manage rather than over complicating how we manage technology, is now saying companies that integrate Web 2.0 technologies into their work flows perform better:

Shame people have to wait until the data is available before they believe this 🙂

Some extracts from the Collaboration Architecture sections of the MWT book which talk able Collaboration Architectures – which is what we are really talking about (not Web 2.0):

– link coming soon –

Managing without general management at Apple

Everybody is talking about the article on Apple in the May 23rd issue of Fortune.

Some interesting quotes that I might get around to commenting on one day:




Chief Detail Officer

Interesting talk on the often ignored category of low cost / high impact activities.

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