I’ve been thinking through the idea of a competency centre this evening. This is mainly because I’m supposed to be thinking about it for work but never get a chance. Interestingly I think it’s a powerful concept and might actually help with the implementation of MWT models.

One of the reasons I think making a market-based management model isn’t intuative to most organisations is that it requires the combination of a number of disiplines that are usually kept seperate. These are the same disiplines that I’ve always tried to bring together so it makes sense that it would be posible to view it this way.

In particular, I’ve always fought for “business processes” and “information” to be viewed as peer rather than “business proceses” need to be considered first. This comes from work in deep technical IT land for a number of years and recognising that there was nothing particularly primary about looking at business proceses. You were in fact just as likely to get bogged down in the detail of business processes as you were to get bogged down in the detail of any other part of the analysis.

Similiarly, I’ve always disliked the distinction between “management” and “technology”. I hate the phrase “I’m not a technical person” because I have no idea what that means and I suspect it usually means “I don’t understand” or “I’m too important for this”. Throughout the MWT model I also promote a view that says “management is a technology” in that it is a specific set of tools that you actually have to use in order to them to do anything. Similiarly, the “I’m not a technical person” comment ignores the fact the management is a disipline riddled with jargon, acronyms, secret language, and specalised knowledge – all the things that make “technical” what it is.

So, I’ve made another cut of what the MWT model combines. In general any market-based management approach probably combines these disiplines.
